Emma Rose Gallimore
Blog Contributor
All Blogs by Emma Rose Gallimore

Working With Animals When Medicine Isn’t Your Thing
Instead of being the one who actually sets broken bones and treats Fido’s sour stomach, you can help the veterinarians focus on their patients by handling leadership and administrative tasks as the Veterinary Practice Manager. You’ll get to help keep animals healthy, but you’ll do it without getting your hands (quite so) dirty. To get the most out of this growing career field, you’ll want to start working toward a veterinary practice management certificate as soon as possible.
May 16, 2022
5 min read

Jump-Start Your Future With High School Career Pathways
No one’s life path is the same. Your High School experience should be unique just like you! Learn more about HS pathways that can help you get excited about school and ready for your next step after graduation.
Jan 29, 2019
5 min read

How Do I Start My Career as a Pharmacy Tech?
Some people build a lifelong career as a pharmacy technician. Others use it as a stepping stone to prepare for a career as a licensed pharmacist. Either way, becoming a pharmacy technician can be the beginning of a great career. You’ll be able to feel good everyday knowing that you helped someone get the medications they need to live a healthy life.
Nov 20, 2018
4 min read

Making a Study Schedule That Works No Matter How Busy You Are
Suddenly, this big exciting goal seems like a huge, scary challenge. How are you supposed to find time to study when you work all day and your kids have soccer practice after school? Not to mention you need to make dinner and pay the bills and... Take a deep breath. All you need to succeed is a study schedule that works for you. Making one isn’t hard. This post will show you how in six easy steps.
Nov 07, 2018
6 min read

Will Learning About 3D Printing Help My Career in Manufacturing
Wondering if learning about 3D printing will help your manufacturing career? Stop wondering. The answer is yes. Here’s why.
Jul 27, 2018
8 min read

How Can I Study Online for a Hands-on Job in the Automotive Industry?
Hands on experience is certainly important, but you need a breadth of theoretical knowledge before you actually get your hands greasy. Online study is a convenient way to get that knowledge.
Jun 20, 2018
7 min read

How a Growth Mindset Can Help You Succeed in School (and Life)
Scientific research over the last 30 years suggests that attitude, or mindset, has a huge impact on your performance in school and in life in general. In fact, students with a growth mindset consistently outperform their fixed mindset peers.
May 18, 2018
6 min read