Online Vet Tech Program Curriculum
Your four semester Veterinary Technician Associate Degree syllabus consists of online vet tech classes covering topics like: pharmacology, clinical pathology and parasitology, anesthesia, imaging, laboratory procedures, and much more.
Veterinary Technician
Associate Degree
9 months per semester
As low as $75/mo
Vet Tech Curriculum
- 4 semesters
- 66 credits
- 2 externships
Estimated completion time per semester:
- Fast track = 9 months
- Average time = 13 months
With Penn Foster, you can learn at whatever pace works best for you. Some learners will be more comfortable moving faster, and dedicating more time, and the fast track estimate will apply to them. The average track will apply to most learners who can dedicate a few hours per week to completing their coursework. The estimated completion times per semester are based on completion times for learners enrolled in this program from November 2020 - October 2021, excluding withdrawals.
Semester 1
Veterinary technicians work closely with animals and alongside other veterinary professionals, such as the veterinarian and the veterinary assistant. It’s important to know the value of being a part of a veterinary team and enhance your professional skills.
In this course, you’ll review the types of content and resources you can expect to see throughout your program. This course also includes an introduction to animal science. You’ll learn about theories related to specific behavior characteristics between species and how to handle various animal behaviors. In addition, this course discusses applicable laws and ethical codes
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to do the following:
- Identify skills needed to be a confident and independent online learner
- Demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts, natural sciences, and social sciences
- Demonstrate an understanding of program structure, objectives, and time management
- Identify a variety of opportunities to care for animals both in and outside of the veterinary field
- Analyze behavior problems and various techniques and theories on how to eliminate behavior problems
This course introduces the essential skills and competencies required for veterinary technicians to provide high-quality patient care and support in the animal healthcare field. Learners will develop their ability to gather patient information accurately, apply humane restraint techniques, and deliver routine care to various animal species. The course will also strengthen their understanding of veterinary medical terminology, enhancing their ability to communicate effectively with clients and veterinary professionals. Additionally, learners will gain insight into client education strategies to ensure clear and accurate communication in both oral and written forms.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate job-specific technical and professional skills
- Show a commitment to high-quality patient care by showing thoroughness, confidentiality, and accuracy when gathering information or performing routine tasks
- Collect and maintain a thorough patient history by performing various exams on different animal species and asking the necessary questions while actively listening
- Articulate effective and humane restraint techniques in a variety of animal species
- Articulate effective routine animal care techniques
- Break down veterinary medical terminology by recognizing root words
- Practice client education clearly and accurately, providing both oral and written communication
Information literacy is a fundamental skill of writing and recording research. In this course, you'll learn what it means to formulate correct and effective research questions. You'll also learn how to go about conducting and refining that research for any given project.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
- Identify how to formulate focused and specific research questions and the need for information
- Explain the different types of research tools, how they're used to conduct different searches, and how to evaluate the quality and usefulness of the information found
- Explain how to cite sources properly using various citation styles in consideration of academic integrity, plagiarism, and ethical use of resources
This is an introductory course that explains the origin of life and the relationships between all living things. It describes how a significant number of organisms are structured and how they work. It’s a course that builds a foundation for future veterinary courses by making connections to veterinary medicine, to enable students to discuss intelligently the various forms of life and their processes.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to do the following:
- Analyze cells and their processes for obtaining energy and reproducing
- Explain how traits are passed on from one generation to the next
- Distinguish how different species of living things have evolved and are classified
- Record responses to fundamental biology essay prompts
- Identify the characteristics of plants and animals, the functions of plant systems, and animal behavior
- Explain the different body systems and their functions in the living body
- Explain the ecology of living things
Anatomy is the study of the structure of living things. Physiology is the study of the way body parts function, or what they do and how they work. The study material in this course is part of the essential framework of what you’ll need to know to become a veterinary technician. Knowing the anatomy and physiology of the animals in your care will help you care for the animals. It will also help you to communicate with veterinarians and other team members effectively. In addition, the knowledge you gain will help you enhance your own skills and help you complete your expected responsibilities professionally and adequately.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to do the following:
- Explain the life cycle of a cell and the types of tissues
- Explain the function of each body system
- Explain the purpose of the nervous system and sense organs
- Analyze the functions of various glands and organs that are part of the endocrine system
- Analyze the structure and function of blood cells and the lymphatic system
- Identify various terminology, structures, and functions related to animal anatomy and physiology
In this course, you’ll continue your study of animal anatomy and physiology. You’ll begin with immunity and defense, then you’ll examine the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary systems in mammals. Finally, you’ll explore avian, amphibian, and reptilian physiology.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Analyze the defense mechanism of a body and the development of immunity
- Illustrate the processes of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- Summarize the anatomical and physiological components in the maintenance systems of a body
- Categorize the functions of the genitourinary systems
- Compare the anatomy and physiology of avian creatures, reptiles, and amphibians
- Identify various terminology, structures, and functions related to animal anatomy and physiology
Semester 2
In today’s evolving world, reading and writing skills are still considered the cornerstone of critical thinking, communication, and learning. Reading and writing occur every day. For example, written communication with family and friends, or written communication in the workplace. Your study material discusses the fundamentals of reading and writing.
In your studies, you’ll also explore different types of writing such as formal writing, informal writing, and technical writing. Communication in many forms is a part of everyday life, but professional communication is an essential skill for any career. Your study material discusses types of communication related to the workplace and delves in to on the job communication including communication skills that are beneficial when working in the veterinary field.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts, natural sciences, and social sciences
- Identify informational texts and the fundamentals of writing skills, including grammar and mechanics
- Explain different types of writing and communication styles
- Examine key components for writing effective job-related communications for workplace success
A veterinary practice has various support staff roles. In this course, you’ll read about these positions. You’ll find out how a veterinary practice operates. You’ll explore ways to bring in clients. You’ll study the methods of facility care and maintenance and recordkeeping and filing. You’ll also study good communication practices that the staff use while talking to clients. These involve improving speech, managing telephone calls, making appointments, and greeting clients. This course also has information about personal growth. It discusses the importance of continuing education, managing time and money, and coping with stress.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts, natural sciences, and social sciences
- Identify the profession of veterinary technology and the laws and regulations related to veterinary technology
- Explain best practices for veterinary practice management and the importance of interpersonal skills
- Analyze the various components associated with medical records and the management of medical records
- Analyze the important factors involved with occupational health and safety in veterinary hospitals
This course will provide you with a foundation in basic mathematical operations. Topics covered include percentages, discounts, interest, present worth, sinking funds, installment buying, pricing, depreciation, investments, insurance, use of symbols and their applications, equations and formulas, and the importance of statistics.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Analyze functions of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents
- Show calculations involved in simple interest, compound interest, and time value of money
- Prepare various business math applications involving financial reports, installment buying, and depreciation
- Analyze various financial concepts related to taxes, insurance, financial investments, and basic business statistics
- Prepare for the final exam
Medical nursing in veterinary medicine involves a set of essential skills and knowledge that are important for the care and treatment of both small and large animals. In this course, you’ll continue your study of medical nursing. You’ll begin with sample collection and treatment techniques, then you’ll examine general nursing care, veterinary emergency care, first aid, and wound and bandage management. Finally, you’ll explore veterinary dentistry.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts, natural sciences, and social sciences
- Demonstrate a high level of inquiry, analytical, and problem-solving skills
- Demonstrate effective written and interpersonal communication skills
- Explain diagnostic sampling and therapeutic techniques for small and large animals
- Explain neonatal care and its impact on development and fluid therapy and calculations
- Analyze procedures and techniques that involve critical care situations, toxicology, and wounds
- Analyze dental clinical practices for veterinary dentistry
- Analyze CPR, fluid therapy, and wound management in veterinary medicine
This course is designed to assist you with your study of the various topics in this course. The textbooks for this course are Medical Dosage Calculations and Essential Calculations for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians. This course will refer primarily to those resources. This course contains additional information and sample problems that pertain to the topics in your lessons, as well as highlights of important points from your textbooks.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Analyze the basic mathematical functions and the fundamentals of drug administration, dose, and labels
- Describe the measurement systems in medication calculations
- Explain dosage calculations and fluid therapy calculations
Veterinary refers to the science and art of treating and preventing animal diseases. Pharmacology is the science of drugs. You’ll learn how to understand both.
The material you’ll learn in this course will form the essential framework of understanding needed to work with veterinary pharmacology. Building any sort of framework is hard work, but the effort it takes to build a strong framework will pay off later. Understanding the veterinary pharmacology needs of the animals in your care will help you care for them better, and enable you to communicate with veterinarians and other veterinary technicians more effectively.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Explain the fundamentals of the drug administration process
- Categorize the effects of drugs on the nervous, respiratory, urinary, cardiovascular, and GI systems
- Identify the diseases and medications associated with the endocrine, ophthalmic, and otic systems
- Distinguish the various constituents of anti-infective drugs, antiparasitic drugs, and the inflammation-controlling medication process
- Identify the components of therapeutic replacement, immunologic, and inventory management in veterinary practices
The main purpose of the clinical externship is to provide you with an opportunity to avail the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a successful career of a veterinary technician. You are required to practice the skills under a licensed veterinary technician or a professional. The externship in the context covers a minimum of 150 hours adhering to a full-fledged clinical experience. The externship requires you to be a part of the working veterinary team and practice the skills and knowledge acquired from the prior courses.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate effective written and interpersonal skills
- Demonstrate a high level of inquiry, analytical, and problem-solving skills
- Demonstrate effective quantitative skills
- Demonstrate computer and information literacy
- Demonstrate clinical skills by completing an externship
Semester 3
The knowledge that you obtain from this course will serve you well in a career in veterinary medicine.
You may find some of the material in this course difficult. This study guide is intended to help you through the material so that you understand it. Your course, which is based on the textbook Laboratory Procedures for Veterinary Technicians, Sixth Edition, is divided into four lessons. Each lesson includes several assignments that cover a specific area of clinical pathology.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Categorize the importance of safety precautions, vital equipment, and quality assurance in a laboratory
- Analyze the types of examination procedures and techniques used for the assessment of urinalysis
- Differentiate between the characteristics of bacteria and the forms procedures used to assess culture media
- Analyze different procedures for collecting cytology samples and smears as well as their evaluation methods
This course is designed to assist you with the various veterinary technician topics related to clinical laboratory procedures and equipment. You should review your anatomy and physiology course material on the cardiovascular, lymphatic, and urinary systems before you proceed further. In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of clinical laboratory procedures and equipment for hematology and hemostasis, clinical chemistry, and immunology. Principles and procedures related to hematology and hemostasis, clinical chemistry, and immunology representing the important function of the veterinary technician to provide accurate and reliable clinical laboratory test results to the veterinarian— will be stressed. It’s vital that you understand the theories behind the various tests you’ll be performing, as well as methods to ensure accuracy of results. Throughout this course, the importance of properly performing diagnostic procedures will be stressed. You’ll also become familiar with the equipment and techniques for performing associated diagnostic tests.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Analyze the hematological properties and the procedures for assessing any blood-related abnormalities
- Point out the various methods used to determine the disorders in organs through hematological assays
- Categorize mechanisms of the immune system and the tests performed to determine any immunological disorders
(Choose one) ...
Music Appreciation
In this course, you'll practice the skill of active listening. Learning to listen differently will allow you to experience all kinds of music in a new way. Most listeners are familiar with how music makes them feel, and we often say we like a particular piece of music because it has a "good beat" or a beautiful melody. This course will allow you to go deeper. You'll identify what the composer might have been trying to convey and listen for the way elements of musical composition and performance make each piece unique.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to do the following:
- Identify the building blocks of music a composer can use to create a piece, such as rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, form, and timbre
- Differentiate between the music of the baroque era and the musical styles of previous time periods
- List the major characteristics of classical music, including form, melody, and instrumentation
- Describe the musical trends and innovations that occurred during the romantic era
- Relate musical styles of the early twentieth century to comparable movements in art and literature
- Explain the evolution of American popular music in the twentieth century
- Describe the influence of world music on modern western composition
- Synthesize research comparing composers' influence in their respective genres
Textbook: Experience Music
Art Appreciation
In this course, you will gain an understanding of artistic media, historical periods and artistic movements, the roles of the artist and the viewer, and the principles of art criticism.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to do the following:
- Define the language, visual elements, and principles of design of art
- Identify two-dimensional media
- Identify three-dimensional media
- Explain the evolution of art from ancient Mediterranean cultures through eighteenth century Europe
- Identify features and popular examples of art throughout the history of African, Asian, Pacific, and American cultures
- Compare the genres of the Modern and Postmodern eras of art from around the world
Introduction to Literature
This course will allow you to develop your critical thinking skills and broaden your knowledge of the main genres of literature — fiction, poetry, and drama.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to do the following:
- Explain how to effectively read fiction for both knowledge and enjoyment
- Identify different styles and forms of poetry
- Use what you've learned in this course to discuss, write about, and understand literature
- Prepare a critical interpretation of fiction or poetry based on what you've learned in this course
- Discuss how literary dramas differ from fiction and poetry
- Identify different strategies of critical literary analysis
This course is based on the textbook, Anesthesia and Analgesia for Veterinary Technicians, Fifth Edition, by John Thomas and Phillip Lerche. It’s divided into four lessons; each lesson includes several assignments that cover a specific area of anesthesia.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Analyze the importance of administering anesthesia to animals based on various assessment methods
- Point out the types and techniques used to administer analgesic agents and adjuncts
- Categorize the methods of preparing and monitoring patients under anesthesia
- Distinguish between the challenges and procedures of administering anesthesia to the various types of animals
Of the various responsibilities veterinary technicians have, assisting with surgery may be the most exciting and challenging. Competence as a surgical assistant requires a thorough understanding of medical principles, an eye for detail, and the ability to stay focused. You’ll use much of your acquired physiological, anatomic, and medical knowledge as you assist the veterinarian with a variety of procedures.
As a veterinary technician, you’ll need to understand the importance of asepsis and sterility in preparing the surgical environment and equipment. Additionally, you’ll need to know how to prepare patients for surgery, monitor them while they’re under anesthesia, and recover them from surgery. Your understanding of accurate record-keeping methods as they apply to patient medical records, controlled-substance use, anesthetic monitoring, and patient aftercare will be equally important. Your skills and knowledge of surgical nursing will be an integral part of your future as a veterinary technician.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate effective written and interpersonal communication skills
- Demonstrate a high level of inquiry, analytical, and problem-solving skills
- Demonstrate effective quantitative skills
- Apply knowledge of surgery room, equipment, and instrument setup and preparation
- Illustrate the steps involved in pre-surgery preparation of the patient
- Identify techniques for maintaining surgical asepsis
- Use existing anesthetic knowledge to perform complete anesthetic monitoring for patients during various surgical procedures
- Explain the postanesthesia responsibilities of the surgical technician
- Prepare for the final exam
Knowledge of veterinary parasitology is a basic requirement for anyone in the veterinary medical field. Management of parasites is important, not only for pet health, but is also financially important both for veterinary practices and for producers of livestock. In addition, parasitology is of public health importance as many parasites can be transferred from animal to human. This course will provide an introduction to the language of parasitology, laboratory methods used to test for parasites, and common parasites of domestic animals and their life cycles. The goal is to enable you to become familiar with scientific names, families of parasites and their importance in veterinary medicine. As you work in the field of veterinary medicine you’ll use many of these lab techniques to diagnose parasites and then use your parasitology knowledge to educate pet and livestock owners on management and potential health hazards associated with these parasites.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Analyze the domain of veterinary parasitology and the tests that aid in detecting parasites
- Categorize the types of protozoal parasites and their characteristics
- Identify the types of nematodes, their features, and the related terminologies
- Distinguish between the types of cestodes and the ways they affect animals and humans
- Differentiate between the various ectoparasites and the ways they affect animals and humans
- Answer questions covering a wide range of clinical parasitology issues
Semester 4
X-ray radiation can be a useful tool in veterinary medicine for the diagnosis of injury and disease. Radiation can also be dangerous if you’re not properly trained in its use. This course is designed to familiarize you with the properties of radiation and the dangers it can pose if not handled properly, and to help train you to use radiation as an effective diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Describe the properties, equipments, and precautions taken to process the production of x-rays
- Analyze the procedural and technical aspects to produce radiographic images
- Categorize the techniques and equipment checks required to produce better quality radiography images
- Point out the various positionings, views, and precautions taken to perform radiography on small animals
- Analyze the procedures and precautions taken to administer radiography on large, avian, and exotic animals
Small and large animal medicine includes important tasks like keeping animals safe and ensuring their health through preventive care programs. In this course, you'll study basic disease processes as they relate to various body systems. You'll also study transmission diagnosis, treatment, and the prevention of diseases that affect domestic animals. Finally, you'll read about healing processes, immunological responses, vaccination types and techniques, zoonosis, and preventive measures.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts, natural sciences, and social sciences
- Demonstrate effective written and interpersonal communication skills
- Explain safety responsibilities and preventive health programs
- Explain the veterinary technician practice model and small animal diseases
- Analyze common diseases and conditions of horses, ruminants, swine, and camelids
- Describe necropsy procedures and the elements involved in veterinary oncology
- Analyze various diseases in veterinary medicine
This course covers biology and behavior, consciousness, memory, thought and language, intelligence, personality and gender, stress, and community influences.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Describe the science of psychology, basic structure and function of the human nervous system, and basic structure and function of the sensory system
- Explain various states of consciousness, learning theories, and thought processes and development
- Summarize the nature of human motivation and development, the human development cycle, and approaches to understanding and assessing personality
- Prepare an essay on the topic of conditioning, memory, or motivation and emotion
- Recognize psychological disorders and available treatments
- Explain social psychology as it relates to attitudes, influences, behaviors, and stress
- Use critical thinking skills to determine the likely causes of behaviors of individuals and groups discussed in case studies
This course introduces the science of nutrition and its application to feeding practices of domestic, farm, and companion animals; basic nutrients and nutritional requirements of individual species, approximate food analysis, interpretation of food and feed labels, and types of animal foods; physiology of reproduction, aging, and genetics.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts, natural sciences, and social sciences
- Demonstrate effective written and interpersonal communication skills
- Explain various elements of nutrition and healthy feeding protocols
- Explain reproduction and breeding in various types of animals
- Analyze geriatric and hospice care and how pet loss impacts the human-animal bond
- Analyze animal nutrition, animal reproduction, end-of-life support, and client grief support
This course is based on the textbook Laboratory Animal and Exotic Pet Medicine: Principles and Procedures, Second Edition. It’s divided into three lessons; each lesson includes several sections that cover a specific area of laboratory animal science.
Laboratory animal medicine is a diverse field that requires a broad knowledge of a large number of species. You’ll learn about many of the laboratory and exotic animal species in this course.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Point out the facilities, legalities, and equipments required to run a biomedical research facility
- Analyze the unique features of hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and ferrets for laboratory research
- Compare the shared similarities between nonhuman primates and humans, features of rabbits and nontraditional animals
- Analyze the feature of unique animals for biomedical research and the dangers associated with it
This course provides a comprehensive review to assist you in preparation for state and national certifying examinations for the veterinary technician. You’ll review basic science, clinical practices, diagnostics, and ethical concerns. The course covers birds, reptiles, laboratory animals, and large and small animal species.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Analyze the pretest fundamentals necessary for VTNE
- Explain the plans and instructions needed to attempt the final examination and VTNE
In your second externship, you'll apply the skills you've learned throughout your Veterinary Technician program. You'll be required to monitor the skills you perform in the practice, so be sure to read the externship instructions very carefully before you begin.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate the clinical skills necessary to become a successful veterinary technician
Note: We reserve the right to change program content and materials when it becomes necessary.
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