Program Goals and Outcomes

Online Criminal Justice Degree Goals and Outcomes

The online Criminal Justice Degree can prepare students to take the first steps toward a variety of entry-level careers in law enforcement or legal environments. Graduates can qualify for jobs like probation officer, police officer, and more. 

Criminal Justice

Bachelor's Degree

2 months per semester

As low as $75/mo

1-800-471-3232 (10AM - 6:30PM ET)

Program Goal

To prepare students for professional opportunities in the criminal justice field and for a wide array of entry-level positions in criminal justice, as well as to provide a foundation for graduate studies.

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to...

  • Demonstrate effective written and interpersonal communication skills
  • Demonstrate a high level of inquiry, analytical, and problem-solving skills
  • Demonstrate effective quantitative skills
  • Demonstrate computer and information literacy
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts, natural sciences, and social sciences
  • Describe leadership theories, management levels, ethics, and professionalism in modern criminal justice entities
  • Explain the development of common law, statutory law, and constitutional law and their impact on the criminal justice system
  • Analyze the substantive and procedural operations of the criminal justice system
  • Analyze the procedures for search and seizure, arrest, and evidence admissibility under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments
  • Evaluate the relationship between victims and the criminal justice system
  • Explain the principles of criminal responsibility, the requirement of culpable mental states, and the prevailing theories and philosophies for criminal punishment including restitution, retribution, and rehabilitation
  • Compare biological, psychological, and sociological theories about the causes of criminal behavior
  • Analyze the various methods and theories of policing
  • Analyze theories of corrections, rehabilitation, and punishment and how they affect correctional management practices
  • Describe the juvenile court process, including the rights of juveniles, detention and its alternatives, and how juveniles are processed in adult criminal court
  • Analyze the different types of evidence and the admissibility requirements for each

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We're here to help. Call 1-800-471-3232 (10AM - 6:30PM ET)

Full Program Overview