Program Goals and Outcomes

Graphic Design Associate Degree Goals and Outcomes

The online Graphic Design Associate Degree can prepare students for entry-level graphic design jobs in a variety of settings like advertising agencies, in-house marketing departments, design and television studios, and more.

Graphic Design

Associate Degree

7 months per semester

As low as $65/mo

1-800-471-3232 (9AM - 9PM ET)

Program Goal

The Graphic Design Degree program prepares students for an entry-level position in the design industry.

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to...


  • Identify different career options available to digital artists
  • Understand the correct use of color and its effectiveness in creating designs
  • Describe the formal elements of design, including line, shape, form, direction, texture, value, color, and composition
  • Use Adobe Illustrator® to create graphics illustrations for print, multimedia and the web
  • Use Adobe Photoshop® to create high quality photos, graphics for product illustrations, logos, animations, and websites
  • Use Adobe Illustrator® or Adobe Photoshop® to enhance words, phrases or quotations, to communicate effectively with your audience, and use both traditional and contemporary typographic skill
  • Use Adobe InDesign® to design an image, brochure, magazine or web page to reach target audiences with printed publications that can be repurposed into interactive digital documents for delivery on the Web and on mobile and tablet devices
  • Use brand information to design a package that's appropriate for the target audiences
  • Discuss general manufacturing and printing processes related to packaging design
  • Design and launch a web page using HTML and XHTML
  • Design user friendly and visually appealing web pages that include multimedia features such as animation
  • Use Adobe Animate® and basic animation skills to create effective, entertaining, and interactive animations
  • Create an effective, interactive web-based portfolio to use during a job search
  • Demonstrate effective written and interpersonal communication skills
  • Demonstrate a high level of inquiry, analytical, and problem-solving skills
  • Demonstrate effective quantitative skills
  • Demonstrate computer and information literacy
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the liberal arts, natural sciences, and social sciences

Need more info or ready to enroll?

We're here to help. Call 1-800-471-3232 (9AM - 9PM ET)

Full Program Overview