Program Goals and Outcomes

Starting Your Own Business Program Goals and Outcomes

The online starting your own business program can help you prepare to start a variety of online businesses from opening a retail store to starting a freelancing business.

Starting Your Own Business


3 months

As low as $50/mo

1-800-275-4410 (10AM - 6:30PM ET)

Program Goal

To provide students with the skills necessary to start an online business, obtain clients, and build their business by providing a strong background in business practices, independent contractor, and management skills.

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to...

  • Develop the skills necessary to start your own online business
  • Demonstrate proficiency with a variety of computer and web‐based business applications
  • Identify methods of individual and business marketing using the web and traditional means
  • Develop effective strategies for building and managing a successful freelance career
  • Discuss the elements, variables, and lifecycle of a contract and the roles and responsibilities of the signatories
  • Describe how to use online and traditional job search tools and resources to locate and secure work

Need more info or ready to enroll?

We're here to help.   Call 1-800-275-4410 (10AM - 6:30PM ET)

Full Program Overview