How much does the pharmacy technician program cost?
Our prices fluctuate depending on the type of payment option you choose and the offer we are running at the time you sign up, but we are consistently among the most affordable options in the industry. In addition to the program, a high-value practical lab kit and a PTCE exam voucher ($129 value) is included in your tuition.
What payment options do you offer?
You can choose to pay your pharmacy technician tuition in full, by monthly autopay or monthly mail pay, with full pay being the most affordable option.
What payment methods does Penn Foster accept?
We offer a range of payment methods to choose from to make it as easy as possible for you to pay for your program. We accept major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover in addition to PayPal, personal checks, money orders, and authorized automatic withdrawals from U.S. checking and savings accounts.