Here’s What Our New Learning Resource Center Can Do for You
When you’re an online student, you may think you’re on your own. You have to find your own answers and figure things out by yourself. But you’re not alone at Penn Foster. Check out our new and updated Learning Resource Centers to get help with tough subjects, learn more about how your classes work, and set up appointments to speak with your instructors.
Apr 19, 2019
4 min read
Being independent doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help
You’re used to being independent. You’re an online student, so you set your own schedule and you try to figure things out by yourself. If you get stuck on a lesson that just isn’t making sense to you, your first instinct it to do some searching and see what you can find to help. Before relying on Google and digging through search results for hours hoping to spark understanding, take a look at what Penn Foster’s new and improved Learning Resource Centers have to offer!
Course-specific resources to help you get the most out of your studies
While some subjects and courses can be found in several different Penn Foster programs, you might be stuck on a very particular problem that requires help from someone knowledgeable in that specific field. Or you might be looking for some extra resources for your core classes so you can learn as much as possible. Our Learning Resource Centers are the perfect place to start! From the homepage, you can find your specific area of study and get what you need without having to sort through pages of information that isn’t relevant.
- If you’re studying an Allied Health program like Medical Billing and Coding or Medical Assistant, you can find practice questions, exercises, and videos in the Allied Health Center
- If you’re studying a veterinary medicine program, the Vet Academy resource page is something you’ll want to bookmark. If medical math has you pulling out your hair or you’re not sure how to submit your externship paperwork, we’ve got what you need to know!
- If you’re studying a skilled trades program like Appliance Repair, HVACR, or Residential Electrician, the Skilled Trades Center is where you want to be. From getting help with math courses to course specific videos, you’ll be able to use everything to better understand what you’re learning in your online classes.
- If you’re working toward finishing a design or creative program like Wedding Planner or Dressmaking and Design, there’s help resources for you, too! You’ll find supplemental reading and interactive tools to help you understand your program. You can even schedule an appointment to speak with your instructor.
Specific subject help is right at your fingertips
There are some subjects you know you can breeze right through and others that make you worried to even look at the study guide. Instead of putting off completing a subject or class you think you can’t do well in, get some help from our subject specific pages in the Learning Resource Centers.
- Not confident in computer and technology courses? The Computer and Technology Center can help you work through Microsoft Office courses and projects, and even give you easy-to-find ways to reach out to instructors.
- Does math seem to make no sense to you? Whether it’s high school level math or more difficult statistics, the Math Center has video resources and tutorials to help you get through that next word problem.
- Worried about essays and writing in general? The Writer’s Block, one of our first resources built out of the Penn Foster Digital Library, is where you want to be. Tutoring, tips on citations and grammar, and more are available to get you through.
Get started with the basics
There’s a lot of resources for help with your courses, but if you’re brand new to online school, you may be unsure about understanding what’s expected of you. Before digging into the other centers available, check out the Technology page to get answers to frequently asked questions about being a Penn Foster Student. From walking you through accessing eBooks to explaining how exams work, everything you need to feel confident in yourself is right there! Make the most of our updated resources from day one until graduation and know that you’ve got this.