Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

Marketing Content Specialist

Laura Amendola started her Penn Foster Group career in 2015 in the Education department, where she worked closely with instructors to help students achieve their goals. She has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature with a minor in Writing from Marywood University. Laura enjoys reading, snuggling with her cat, and recently has formed a love-hate relationship with cooking.

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All Blogs by Laura Amendola

smiling woman wearing a cap and gown.

6 Advantages of Having A High School Diploma

There are many benefits to having a high school diploma. Obtaining education is a great way to get a new job or move up in your current company. Read on to learn 6 benefits of having a high school diploma.

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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woman in an orange shirt working on a laptop.

Low Stress Jobs That Pay Well (10 Mini Job Guides)

Are you on the hunt for a new career that won’t add massive stress to your life but still pays a living wage? This guide is for you! We explore ten jobs that can be considered low-stress but can come with decent paychecks.

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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student with silver laptop smiling.

Penn Foster Exams and Grading Explained

If you’re new to online school or just want to know how Penn Foster works before enrolling in a program, you may be wondering how, exactly, do online tests work? What are the expectations and how is your work graded? Here’s everything you need to know about Penn Foster exams, proctored exams, and how your tests and assignments are graded.

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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smiling man wearing gloves and a beanie.

Is Becoming a Diesel Mechanic a Good Career?

Learn how online diesel mechanic training works, what the job involves, and how to become a diesel mechanic in this helpful guide.

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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woman in a yellow t-shirt working on a laptop.

Does Education Make a Difference in Salary? (How Learning More May Help You Earn More)

Education isn’t everything, but it can count for a lot. The benefits of completing high school or continuing on to earn a degree or certification can have several positive impacts on your life.

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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man smiling and wiping his hands on a cloth.

Can I Get ASE Certified Online?

As the number of vehicles in use continues to rise, skilled mechanics will be vital to maintain and repair them. If you’re interested in starting a rewarding career as an auto repair technician, preparing to take and pass your ASE certification exams can help you take the next steps toward your goal. But what is ASE certification and why does it matter?

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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man in hard hat and vest wearing a big smile.

Licenses and Certifications for HVAC Technicians

To become an HVAC technician, having EPA certification is a must. There are also additional industry certifications, such as ICE certification, that can help you stand out in the field. Here’s what you need to know about the top HVAC certification exams.

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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woman with red hair and glasses writing notes from a laptop.

The Benefits of Organized Chaos at Work and in School

What is organized chaos and how can it benefit you? Find out in this helpful guide for workers and students alike.

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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mother kissing her daughter on the head.

High School Bullying Guide (Resource for Parents)

Learn more about bullying in high school and how you can help your child if they’re experiencing a form of bullying.

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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healthcare worker petting and holding a golden retriever's paw.

Vet Tech Unveiled: Expert Answers to Your Burning Questions

Take a look behind the scenes of the Penn Foster Veterinary Technician Program and find out what this career is like in this interview with vet tech instructors.

Laura Amendola.

Laura Amendola

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