Des Sinkevich
Content Manager
Des Sinkevich has been with Penn Foster since 2015, helping students learn more about potential career paths and how to succeed in online school. Through hundreds of blogs, from articles about study tips to information on how to prepare for in-demand jobs, she's dedicated to giving our students the tools they need to reach their goals. Des holds a B.A. in English Writing from the University of Pittsburgh which has helped her create the content you're reading today and, when she's not writing, she's reading!
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All Blogs by Des Sinkevich

5 Steps to Becoming Your Own Hero
You’re the hero of your own story and it’s time to write your future, the one you want. Being your own back to school hero means taking everything you already have going on in your life, like work or family responsibilities, and making it work. Even further, a back to school hero (like you), can add furthering your education to that list. You know what you want to do, you’re driven to get it done, no excuses. It’s making the decision then taking the steps needed to be as successful as possible. Being a back to school hero is about jumping all in and making sure you achieve your goals no matter what stands in your way. It starts here.
Sep 20, 2018
7 min read

They Took Control of Their Careers You Can Too
Gaining confidence is not something that develops overnight, but through years of stumbling through difficult situations. You slowly become aware of your strengths, but even then, you’re still unsure if you’re good enough and doubt the life-changing decisions you want to make. You put your dreams on hold because it’s easier to stay where you are than risk failure. But you know that mentality is getting in the way of your happiness and you need to overcome that fear. Here’s how two Penn Foster grads took the first, difficult step toward their goals and built their confidence.
Sep 11, 2018
6 min read

Build a Strong Foundation for Success in 4 Steps
You’re in the process of building your future. Or, at least, in the process of deciding how to actively work toward the future you’ve been dreaming of! But knowing where to begin creating the foundation you need to move to the career you want, can be frustrating. You may not even know exactly what you want to do yet! Earning a new credential or furthering your education can be the first step on your journey to the career you want. If you’re new to online education or if you’ve been out of school for a while, you might be nervous about getting into the swing of things. Here’s how you can work on strengthening your foundation and continue building yourself — and your skills — up!
Sep 06, 2018
7 min read

How to Turn Your Hobby Into Your Career
Do you wish you could turn the hobby you love into the career that you love? You’re amazing at your craft and people always tell you how much they love your work, but you’re not sure that turning this hobby into a job can be practical. But guess what? Other makers like you have made it work; why can’t you? Here’s how to turn your hobby into your career.
Jul 18, 2018

Does My Vet Tech School Have to be AVMA-CVTEA Accredited?
To become a credentialed vet tech, it’s important that you graduate from an AVMA-CVTEA accredited program. In this blog, learn why AVMA accreditation is important and how to find the best vet tech school for you.
Jun 22, 2016
7 min read