4 Biggest Myths About Online High School
When researching information on online high school, you may come across some misconceptions that discourage you from pursuing that path. In this Student Life Blog post, we dispel the four biggest myths and misconceptions of online high school!
Apr 20, 2016
You’ve compared the pros and cons of online high school, and you’re ready to give it a go. But you just can’t seem to get the doubts and stereotypes out of your head. You may ask yourself questions like, “Is it a good idea to take my kids out of the classroom?” or “Will they adjust well to adult life?” Take a deep breath and relax as we dispel some of online school’s most notorious misconceptions:
Myth 1: It’s one or the other
Parents who decide on online school often stress about making a four-year commitment. Where do extracurricular activities fit in? Will my high school curriculum be rigorous enough to prepare my kids for college or employment? There’s no law that binds parents to online high school for any set amount of time. You may decide to try online learning for two years, try out traditional schooling for one year, and resume online learning the next year. Your state may even allow you to go online during one semester and enroll your kids in traditional school the next. Speak to an academic counselor or research the laws in your state to learn about your options.
Read more: High School Student Kylee Graduates Early to Pursue Her Goals
Myth 2: My kids will miss many opportunities
There’s a world of advanced courses, volunteer work, internships, and other experiences open to teens. If anything, online high school gives kids more freedom to seize these opportunities. While their peers are bound by a daily 7-to-3 routine, teens in online high school can gain job experience, study abroad, take private lessons, and have more control over their future. Many online students enter college with multiple credit hours already completed! They also might be eligible to participate in traditional high school band, choir, sports, and other activities by simply calling local high schools and submitting the proper paperwork.
Read more: Q&A With a Penn Foster High School Parent
Myth 3: Parents can’t keep up with traditional high school curriculum
Many parents are comfortable teaching math, science, language, and history through middle school. But the rigor of high school courses such as calculus, physics, and college-level subjects can intimidate even the most motivated. Luckily, you don’t have to brave it alone. With online high school, your child can do all of their learning on their own, at their own pace, with the support of our instructors and student services.
Read more: How a Flexible, Online High School Diploma Program Helped This Teenager Pursue Her Interests
Myth 4: My kids won’t have friends.
Perhaps the greatest misconception about online school is that kids will become socially isolated. Good news: it’s false. Online school isn’t confined to your home. Your kids can still participate in local school sports and clubs. They can take karate, learn an instrument, join a book club, volunteer with other kids, and build connections with people locally and around the world. Most importantly, they’ll learn how to communicate, interact with, and accept people of all ages, backgrounds, and interests. Don’t be surprised if your kids turn into well-adjusted, charismatic adults! Remember, it’s up to you to provide them with as many venues for socialization as possible.
If you’re ready to learn more about the benefits of online learning, there’s no better place than Penn Foster. As one of the largest nationally and regionally accredited private high schools in the United States, we offer all the resources you need to help your child get on the path toward college or a career.